Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (The celestial Song) is one of the most famous Sanskrit texts.
The language used in the text is very lucid. A student who intends to learn Sanskrit can start with this text.
It is said that, if one read the Bhagavad Gita eleven times, with the splitting of the words (known as Pada Chedda) and understanding each word one can be a master of the Sanskrit Language as well.
The orthodox way of learning Bhagavad Gita is:
Ø Reciting the sloka with the right pronunciation
Ø Do the splitting of the words known as Pada Chedda. This will include Sandhi Vicheda
Ø Identify the figure of speech of each word viz. Nouns, pronoun, verb etc
Ø Arrange the words in the Subject, Object and Predicate
There are a number of works which addresses the various aspects of Gita.
This work is totally dedicated understand the pada chedda and the intricacies of the Sanskrit grammar. The knowledge of Paninis grammar is a must for any student of Sanskrit. In the end there is a cross reference to the various rules of Panini as well.
This work is titled Geeta-Paniniyam (which literally means Gita and Paniniyam).
This work is created for beginners as well as scholars to have it as a ready reference for the various figures of speech.
This is made very interactive and is split into four parts, excluding the Main sloka and the Padachedda part
Most Important. In order to avoid the clutter on the screen the user has to click/tap on the four buttons each time to view the same. On the second click the contents will disappear |
This shows those words on which the Sandhi is applied. Most of the Panini Rules here are focussed only on Sandhi. How to read: The codes V, A and H represent Visarga, Ach and Hal Sandhi respectively. On hovering on each of the codes like V01, V02 etc the related Panini Sutra will also be displayed. The serial number after V, A & H represent the serial number of Sandhis under that particular class |
This shows the various verbs used in the sloka along with the Tense and Moods. Panini Rules are not shown in this level. How to read: अब्रवीत् -ब्रूञ्(2U) to speak,लङ्/कर्तरि/III/1 ब्रूञ्- धातुः , 1,2 represents भ्वादि गणम् etc P,A & U represent Parasmai Pada, Atmane Pada and Ubhaya Pada लङ् the dashalakaras I,II & III represent प्रथमपुरुषः, मध्यमपुरुषः & उत्तमपुरुषः respectively 1,2 & 3 एकवचनम्, द्विवचनम्, बहुवचनम् respectively |
The Avyayas (known as indeclinable) are a separate class of words which needs to be grouped and understood separately How to read: Nothing Specific |
In this the various case ending related to the noun and pronoun is also shown separately How to read: 1-शूरा:ᵇ,महेष्वासा:ᵇ, भीमार्जुनसमा:ᵇ, युयुधान:, The number represents the vibhakti.In case there is no superscript the same is एकवचनम् (to avoid clutter on the screen).The super script ᵇ represents बहुवचनम् and ᵈ represents द्विवचनम् |
The entire project is time consuming and will be released only in stages. The first chapter is released on the auspicious day of the Shubhakruth Yugaadi (2nd April 2022). By the grace of the Lord, we plan to complete this exercise in this Samvatsara.
It requires lot of effort and energy for this compilation and volunteers are required for the same. Errors & omissions may creep in due the sheer amount of work as well as collaboration. Please feel free to contact us and provide valuable feedback.
Credits: Special credits to Mr. Pranav V Kini for converting this into computer code and the University of Hyderabad site which helped me to get the Panini Sutra in one go.
The whole idea of this work is inspired by Grammatical Analysis of Bhagavad Gita published by Arsha Avinash Foundation Coimbatore (